Luv u my lil boy...Mommy kiss u..Mwaahh

Minggu, 27 Maret 2011

My BB Cream

Lagi lagi gara2 FD (Racun yg Bikin Cantik...Makasiihhh) ada review tentang BB Cream alias Blemish Balm Cream.
Populer banget di Korea,tapi pertama kali BB Cream ini dibikin di Jerman lhoo oleh Dr.Med Christien Schrammek.pernah nanya di salah satu Salon di medan yang kebetulan Jual BB cream ini (liat di Iklan Analisa) harganya kalo gak salah 480 ribu sajaa.....

Oh iya BB Cream itu apa sih.BB Cream itu mirip2 kaya Foundation tapi dia punya banyak kelebihan.nih gw copas di salah satu Web.

BB CREAM = Base + Foundation + Concealer + (Natural Makeup) + Sunblock + Moisturiser + Oil Control + Healing Properties (Skin Regeneration, Pore Tightening, Skin Toning) + Optional Feature (Anti-Wrinkle/Brightening/Whitening)


It provides coverage  just like a foundation by covering up all acne, pores, marks, lines and uneven skin colour spots BUT without clogging the pores/damaging the skin. Instead, it helps tighten pores and improve the skin condition.

After continuously using it for a month of you, it will leave you with better skin complexion (much smoother, softer and refined skin).
How this works is that every time you use it, it acts as a protective layer which controls excess oil and at the same time giving it enough moisture it to make very healthy. It also protects against all harmful UV rays and environmental damage so that your skin will stay healthy. Plus with its special healing properties derived from its natural ingredients (such as White Hazel, Aloe & Caviar extract) which promotes skin regeneration and pore tightening, the end result after using it for 1 month of more is a much smoother, softer and refined skin that will make your face complexion gorgeous!

General BB Cream Characteristics:

• Provides coverage just like a foundation but without clogging pores/damaging the skin
• Natural no makeup look
• Conceals all types of pigmentation, discoloration, acne and marks
• Perfect coverage without clogging pores
• Quick all-in-one base, foundation and concealer
• Healing properties which soften, smoothen and refine skin
• Encourages skin regeneration to create and maintain youthful skin
• UV Protection for healthy skin (check product details for SPF level)
• Some BB cream has additional features such as anti-wrinkle, whitening functions etc. (check product details for more info)

If you think it's impossible for there to be such an awesome cosmetic product, just walk in to any cosmetic counter in Korea and ask them. Almost all girls in Korea not only knows it but loves it!

Kemakan oleh Review yang bagus setelah memakai ini akhirnya cari cari lah BB cream yang ramah di Kantong.

#Dodo Club
Ini Bb Cream pertama gw belinya di OL Shop apa ya namanya lupa.Harganya IDR 95 isi 60 ml.tekstur agak kental.pas di apply gak susah2 amat.coverage Ok bikin muka mulus n bening.Beneran lhooo...laki gw bilang kalo gw pake BB muka gw bening.
Nih Bb udah gw kasih ke Temen abis gw nya pindah ke Lain hati alias ada mainan Bb baru yg lebih gw suka.

#Mishha M Bb Cream
Ini Bb Kedua gw.belinya di Sogo Sun plaza Medan.Harganya Lupa euy dah lama.isi 50 pake ini kalo mau jalan malam.karna gak ada SPF-nya.hasil akhir sama seperti layaknya Bb...Mulus & natural.kadang gw timpa lagi sama Loose powder Palgantong atau MAC.kadang pake Bb aja juga suka Hasil make up yg Flawless aja jd gak berat mukanya.

Keterangan di kemasannya :
Missha M BB Cream contains natural ingredients that do not damage or irritate the skin.with continuous use,your sensitive skin will be calm,protected from redness and keep its health.

#Missha Perfect Cover BB Cream Spf 42 PA+++
Ini juga Bb kedua gw.belinya barengan sama Missha M beli 2 shade yaitu No.23 & No.21.Shade 23 lebih terang dibanding 21.tapi setelah di Apply masuk2 aja sih ke muka gw.Missha PC ini ada 2 kemasan yaitu 50 ml & 30 ml.utk shade 23 gw beli yg 50 ml & shade 21 30 ml.Harganya lupaa belinya di Sogo Sun Plaza.
Sesuai judulnya Perfect Cover.Hasil akhir pemakaian  bikin warna muka rata,lebih bening,flek2 muka atau bekas jerawat tersamarkan.
Nggak tau kenapa menurut gw pake Bb gak pake bedak lagi Gak papa.karna udah bikin muka mulus walaupun tanpa bedak.
Tekstur Lebih cair dibanding Dodo club dan lebih cepet nge Blend ke muka.

Keterangan di kemasan :
MISSHA M Perfect Cover BB Cream offers a novel skincare concept with BB Cream.Which lightens skin tone by healing visible wrinkles and blemishes with excellent skin-cover ability,and prevents skin aging through effective  whitening and anti-wrinkle properties.

Kalo habis bakalan beli lagi karna gw suka teksturnya,hasilnya bikin muka glowy.

Selain Ketiga diatas gw juga punya Bb Sample Seperti Brtc,Skin79,Etude,Coogi Flowertox.Dari semua yg gw suka tetep Missha Perfect Cover.

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